Tenant Handbook

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SafetyMax sells First Aid supplies and CPR, FA and AED Training. Shorenstein Realty Services has partnered with SafetyMax to provide our tenants a corporate rate.  To take advantage of these savings, tenants can log in directly:


Username: tenant 

Password: shorenstein


This program includes:

  • First Aid Supplies
  • Emergency Provisions and Kits
  • AED Maintenance
  • CPR, FA and AED Training


For customer service, please contact:


e:  service@safetymax.com

p : 800 585 8506

Tony Lembo: tony@safetymax.com, Director of National Accounts


FLoor Warden

A Floor Warden should be someone who is reliable, respected by the other employees within your firm, and capable of providing guidance in the event of a fire or other emergency. This individual should rarely travel and be familiar with the names and faces of all employees in your office. Your Office Manager or Personnel Manager, or both depending on the size of your firm, would probably be good candidates for Floor Warden. You should also select Alternates for every Floor Warden.


The Floor Warden would be responsible for the development and implementation of your Fire Safety Program. This Program would include development of evacuation plans, training of employees in emergency response procedures, and practice of emergency procedures.

In the event of a fire or other emergency, this individual is in charge of the situation until the Fire Department arrives. The Floor Warden may also be responsible for coordinating the evacuation of your space depending on the severity of the situation and the availability of other safety personnel.

Floor Warden Responsibilities

Each tenant should appoint a Floor Warden and an Alternate for every 50 employees. Full-floor and multi-floor tenants will require multiple Floor Wardens and Alternates. The people chosen should be individuals who rarely travel and who are familiar with names and faces of all employees in your office. One Floor Warden should be responsible for the development and implementation of the Building's Safety Program with the Fire Safety Director. This program should include:

Development of Evacuation Plans:

  • Familiarize employees with the location of all exit stairwells and fire pull stations.
  • Familiarize employees with the location and proper use of fire extinguishing equipment within the Building and your suite. 
  • Inform employees who are responsible for the order to evacuate.
  • Inform the Building Management Office of all handicapped people who might require assistance during an evacuation.
  • Train employees in emergency response procedures.
  • In the event of an actual fire or emergency, make sure the alarm is activated.
  • Tenants are required to keep the premises in a safe and clean condition. Aisles, corridors and exit doors are to be kept clear of obstructions.
  • Tenants are required to participate in fire drills scheduled by Building Management to familiarize employees with fire exits, fire alarm procedures, etc. Employees should assemble in the designated areas and follow the instructions of the Floor Wardens.